Leeds United Air Crash Memories

(Late) Jeff Samuel

Life in 1998

Jeff was sitting next to Keith Hanvey (Leeds United Commercial Manager)

Keith wrote… 

I had a panoramic view from the back of the plane There were sparks coming down the right side and then I saw flames and heard the siren. I didn’t know how far we had gone For all I knew we might have gone a mile or two.

“Then the plane went down. levelled off and I just thought Oh God. I went into the brace for crash position and the guy next to me Jeff Samuel said ‘This is it’  We said to each other ‘Just be lucky’ and waited for an impact.

“I landed on my side and started to run, but the guy who had been sitting alongside me, Jeff Samuel, a long time supporter and one of our corporate guests, after jumping out of the plane he couldn’t move. He had hurt his back but we managed to drag him away and we ran to safety.

The last 25 years

Keith Hanvey and Jeff remained friends after the air crash they would occasionally mention their shared experience that evening.

Sadly Jeff passed away a couple of years ago, but Keith still meets up with Jeff’s son on matchdays at Elland Road.

