Leeds United Air Crash Memories

Nicola Lomas (nee Nicola Mee)

Life in 1998

In 1998, 20 year old Nicola had been working for the airline for a couple years.

She had decided to transfer from working on the ground to cabin crew just three weeks before the accident.

On the day Helen and Nicola prepared the passengers for a landing in brace position and evacuated all of the passengers to safety.

The last 25 years

Nicola at an award ceremony in Downing Street


After the incident at Stansted, Nicola continued to fly for a further 9 years, working for Japan Airlines and then Virgin Atlantic.

“After hanging my wings up, I went into sales selling housing and cars.

I’m currently a provisioning manager in business Telecoms”



In 2013 Nicola married Mark Lomas .

Nicola and Mark have two lovely children Amba and Harrison.



Nicola reflects Possibly due to my age and inexperience at the time of the accident, I was just 20 years old and only 3 weeks into the job, I don’t think I fully comprehended the seriousness of the accident in the immediate aftermath, it just didn’t sink in. It was only later that the realisation struck me. I think about that awful day quite often and realise just how lucky we were!


